Total Trust

Total Trust

TBC / 97 mins / Germany, Netherlands / Mandarin, English
Knut Jager, Michael Grotenhoff, Saskia Kress, Jialing ZHANG, Iris Lammerstsma
Jialing ZHANG
Jialing ZHANG
Zijuan CHEN, Weiping CHANG, Sophia Xueqin HUANG, Quanzhang WANG, Wenzu LI
Release date

If this is the present, what is our future? Total Trust is an eye-opening and deeply disturbing story of surveillance technology, abuse of power and (self-)censorship that confronts us with what can happen when our privacy is ignored. Through the haunting stories of people in China who have been monitored, intimidated and even tortured, the film tells of the dangers of technology in the hands of unbridled power. Taking China as a mirror, Total Trust sounds an alarm about the increasing use of surveillance tools around the world – even by democratic governments like those in Europe. If this is the present, what is our future?